What a day, what a day...
Phew. You ever have those days where you just feel worn out? Today's one of those days for me. But I'm excited cuz I got some really cute pictures today and I'm about to post them above...so yay for pictures!
Well, let's start with the happenings of yesterday. Jacob had called me on Monday night to ask if he could sit with me in chapel--which I said was fine--and then he asked if I wanted to have breakfast beforehand, which I agreed to as well. But when I woke up yesterday morning at 7:30 so I could get ready, I was thinking, "Why on earth did I agree to this??" It ended up being fun, though, and I did tell him where I stood on the whole dating thing at the moment, and he was fine with that. So we went to chapel, and "our row" (the one I usually sit in with my girl friends) was taken, so Jacob and I sat with Melissa and Jared (who'd asked to sit with Melissa in chapel--what is it with guys asking to sit with a girl in chapel?).
After lunch, my rest of the day wasn't so great; I was tired and really frustrated about some things. I did do Tae-Bo that afternoon--yay for exercise! I think I ended up feeling pretty depressed that evening, although I talked with Rachel on the phone and she made me feel a lot better. Then some friends of mine kidnapped me (literally, pillow case over my head and everything) to drag me off to Java City, except all I got out of it was half a brownie and a later bed-time. But I'm sure their motives were good. :-)
Today's been ok; I've mostly just been tired. My English teacher, Mrs. Patrick, took me out to eat for lunch, which was really nice; she's kind of offered to adopt me, and she made me cookies the other day, which I thought was so sweet! Her mother-in-law came with us, and the mother-in-law has met my granddad, so she was eager to meet me as well. It was so nice of themm, and I had a really great lunch for free!
Choir was fun, and in computer, I got to leave class early because I had finished all our in-class work. So I came back to my room, cleaned it up for room-check, and then I turned on some music and danced around my room (which I haven't done in a long while). That was fun. I took a super-quick nap, and then I went to babysit. I love those kids!! They make my day, especially Bethany--she's just irresistible! We got to make cookies, and apparently the kids had never dipped cookies in milk before, so I taught them how to do that. They thought it was great fun!
I got back in time to eat with Melissa and Rachel and another friend of ours, Michelle. There's a picture above of Rachel and Melissa--those gorgeous girls! They're such blessings to me.
So now, I am preparing to do some homework, and I have determined to get to bed by 10:00 or 10:30 (unless I'm kidnapped again). I could use some good sleep!! And I would also like to say that I've learned something about how I tend to deal with problems: I tend to pull inside myself to dwell on the problem and try to figure it out, when really I should open myself up into the Lord as I release it into his hands. Pray for me as I am learning to rely on the Lord and trust him as never before! He is so worthy of my trust--I want to live my life as an offering of living praise to him, the God who has never failed me, nor forsaken me. Isn't he good?
PS--Exciting news!!! I got a postcard from my family today!! It had Malaysian stamps on it and everything, and my mom, dad, and sister each wrote their own special note. It was so awesome! Here's a big kiss and hug to my most wonderful family that I love and miss dearly! --> BIG KISS! BIG HUG!
Well, let's start with the happenings of yesterday. Jacob had called me on Monday night to ask if he could sit with me in chapel--which I said was fine--and then he asked if I wanted to have breakfast beforehand, which I agreed to as well. But when I woke up yesterday morning at 7:30 so I could get ready, I was thinking, "Why on earth did I agree to this??" It ended up being fun, though, and I did tell him where I stood on the whole dating thing at the moment, and he was fine with that. So we went to chapel, and "our row" (the one I usually sit in with my girl friends) was taken, so Jacob and I sat with Melissa and Jared (who'd asked to sit with Melissa in chapel--what is it with guys asking to sit with a girl in chapel?).
After lunch, my rest of the day wasn't so great; I was tired and really frustrated about some things. I did do Tae-Bo that afternoon--yay for exercise! I think I ended up feeling pretty depressed that evening, although I talked with Rachel on the phone and she made me feel a lot better. Then some friends of mine kidnapped me (literally, pillow case over my head and everything) to drag me off to Java City, except all I got out of it was half a brownie and a later bed-time. But I'm sure their motives were good. :-)
Today's been ok; I've mostly just been tired. My English teacher, Mrs. Patrick, took me out to eat for lunch, which was really nice; she's kind of offered to adopt me, and she made me cookies the other day, which I thought was so sweet! Her mother-in-law came with us, and the mother-in-law has met my granddad, so she was eager to meet me as well. It was so nice of themm, and I had a really great lunch for free!
Choir was fun, and in computer, I got to leave class early because I had finished all our in-class work. So I came back to my room, cleaned it up for room-check, and then I turned on some music and danced around my room (which I haven't done in a long while). That was fun. I took a super-quick nap, and then I went to babysit. I love those kids!! They make my day, especially Bethany--she's just irresistible! We got to make cookies, and apparently the kids had never dipped cookies in milk before, so I taught them how to do that. They thought it was great fun!
I got back in time to eat with Melissa and Rachel and another friend of ours, Michelle. There's a picture above of Rachel and Melissa--those gorgeous girls! They're such blessings to me.
So now, I am preparing to do some homework, and I have determined to get to bed by 10:00 or 10:30 (unless I'm kidnapped again). I could use some good sleep!! And I would also like to say that I've learned something about how I tend to deal with problems: I tend to pull inside myself to dwell on the problem and try to figure it out, when really I should open myself up into the Lord as I release it into his hands. Pray for me as I am learning to rely on the Lord and trust him as never before! He is so worthy of my trust--I want to live my life as an offering of living praise to him, the God who has never failed me, nor forsaken me. Isn't he good?
PS--Exciting news!!! I got a postcard from my family today!! It had Malaysian stamps on it and everything, and my mom, dad, and sister each wrote their own special note. It was so awesome! Here's a big kiss and hug to my most wonderful family that I love and miss dearly! --> BIG KISS! BIG HUG!
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