A declaration
I found this on a blog of another Christian guy named Jake. He graciously said I could quote some of the things he had written on his blog, so I'm taking the liberty of doing so now. This is a declaration he wrote that I thought was really amazing; thought I'd share it with you:
If you're interested, click here to visit Jake's Blog: Firebrands.
I am a child of the King
purchased by the Blood
redeemed from a dark past
bestowed a glorious future
I am a nazirite
consecrated in the womb
dedicated at birth
anointed for mighty exploits
I am in this world but not of it
lonely but never alone
poor yet rich in Christ
despised yet secure in His love
I am an enemy of mediocrity
sick and tired of being sick and tired
done with compromise and low living
fed up with lukewarmness and religion
I am sold out for the Revolution
dead to personal ambition and self-promotion
ruined for anything less than God's best
living for a cause greater and bigger than myself
resting on the finished work of Christ on the Cross
working to win for the Lamb the rewards of His suffering
By God's grace
I'm gonna run this race
press on towards the goal
That I may see His face
Bask in His presence until I am changed
And in the process
make it hard for my generation
to make it to damnation
Use me Lord.
You are the Potter, I am the clay.
If you're interested, click here to visit Jake's Blog: Firebrands.
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