Happy Birthday to Mom!
Today is my mom's 50th birthday--go Mom! It's been a fun, good day. I got up early to make pancakes (chocolate chip ones!), bacon, and eggs for breakfast. Then I made her a German chocolate cake, which is her favorite. We gave her presents shortly after breakfast: Lins and I gave her a new purse and a pretty necklace. We had a good day together. I am so blessed for the mom I have; she has been an incredible source of strength and encouragment through many difficult times. She has been a friend and an amazing listener for years; she has also been a great example of what it means to love and follow Christ. I am so thankful to God for her, and I especially celebrate her today on her birthday.
Tell your own moms today how much you love them.
Tell your own moms today how much you love them.
At 4:40 AM,
Unknown said…
Hi Kate.
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Yes, I wrote that while pondering on the goodness of God in my life.
It is amazing that your post actually parallels my recent one: thanking God for family!
Personally, without my mom, i don't know where would I be in my life right now. She is a warrior in the heavenlies!
If you dont mind, il link you up to my blog ok?
Keep in touch.
~James aka Jake
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