Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Home for Christmas

Hello everyone! Yes, I'm finally updating again. And yes, school is over, and I actually survived. And YES, I am now home again with my family in Asia!! It is so good to be home and to see my mom, dad, and sister. Ok, technically I haven't seen my dad yet, but it's because he's been in Singapore and will just be getting back today. So I can't wait to see him either! Actually, I think we are all going to go see the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe today when my dad gets home. I am super excited! I have been reading those books forever, ever since I was a little kid. It's probably no exaggeration to say I've read it over 100 times. I can remember the first time my parents ever read those books aloud to me and my sister: I was probably about five, and I can remember breathlessly hanging on to every word, urging dad to keep going for just "one more chapter" whenever he was ready to stop. Anyways, that was a slight tangent...all to say I'm excited about seeing the movie today!

I will be here with my family for about a month before heading back to Texas again for school. I am so excited to be home, and I'm loving the down-time after a hectic, stressful semester of school. And one of my friends from high school is here, too, so we'll be hooking up soon. Oh, and I am totally eating up--literally!--all the great food here that I have been missing in the US. :-)

I hope all of you enjoy this blessed Christmas season with those you love. I am so thankful to God for my family, and the chance to be with them this Christmas. And most of all, I'm thankful for the gift of love God gave to me--and you--2,000 years ago in the form of a small baby...in the form of a great Savior.


  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger Steve said…

    Hey Katy,

    I agree, it's always good to be in Asia, even when it's not home! Even better if you are fortunate enought to have family living there.

    Enjoy your holidays with your family.

    I am going to Chiang Mai in a few weeks to help Thomas bring all of his stuff home - as he will have completed his 2 years with the DTS staffing. I can almost taste the food already!

    God bless you.


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