Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Monday, September 19, 2005

A new week

Well, another week has begun. I don't know where all these weeks are flying off to! My days blur together. This last weekend was fun, but hectic, and I managed to be brilliant and put off writing three papers so that I had to get up this morning at 4:00 AM just to finish them for my 9:00 class. I know; absolutely brilliant of me. But God is good and helped me to actually wake up--which as I found out was a miracle in and of itself because my alarm was set to only make a single beep...and somehow that woke me up! And God helped me actually finish all those papers. He is good, even when we are slightly dim-witted.

I find myself feeling dim-witted a lot lately. God is truly patient and kind with me as I sort through all of life's difficulties and confusions. He is making all things new, even in me, even in my foolishness. Oh the beautiful paradox of God! His power is greatest in my weakness. (Hallelujah...because I'm weak a lot!) It's hard to trust in the unseen. I actually wrote a song today somewhat based on that. You may be tired of all my songs, but it's the most succint way of sharing with you one of the many things God has been teaching me lately. So here you go:

I Choose to Believe

A question in the dark
Hiding in my deepest of hearts
Lord, I’ve seen so much pain
Have You gone so far away?
When we choose to trust the unseen
It’s only on You that we can lean

And I know that You are near
And I know that You count every tear
And I know if I pray, You will always hear

And you promised me...

That you would never leave
That you would never turn away from me
You take me as I am
And say I’ve just begun when I think I’ve reached my end
So I choose to believe

I have been called
To see beyond these earthly walls
With You there is so much more
That we can be living for
When we choose to trust the unseen
We are choosing to trust the God of everything

There is a love waiting to overflow
There is unending peace that we can know
There is more than our present pain
For God will give joy again
That’s what I choose to believe


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