Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Friday, July 02, 2004

St. Augustine's Prayer

Well, my family and I are about to head off for Thailand, but I wanted to post this awesome prayer of St. Augustine's that I read. Hope it will challenge you as it did me.

"O Lord my God, my one hope, listen to me, do not let me give up seeking You for weariness, let me eagerly seek your face always.
"Give me the strength to seek, since You have let Yourself be found, and have given us the hope of finding You more and more. You have before You my strength and my weakness; preserve the one, heal the other. You have before You my knowledge and my ignorance; receive me as I enter the door You have opened to me, open to me as I knock at the door You have closed to me. May I remember You, understand You, love You. Increase in me these three things, until You change me to perfection."

***Extra Note: this is for those who have no clue who St. Augustine is or who would like to know more about him:

St. Augustine lived from the year 354-430 AD during the Roman empire. Since his youth and even in his rather rebellious adolescence, he had shown exceptional brilliance and an intense desire to find the "truth," which he eventually did due partly to the fervent and constant prayers of his Christian mother. He became a Christian at the age of 33, a priest at the age of 36, and a bishop at the age of 41, the latter two due to the choosing of the people. Augustine was a brilliant debater of Christian truths; he wrote over 230 books (his most famous of which is Confessions) and countless letters in which he probed the most basic doctrines and beliefs about God, Christ, and man. He is called the "Father of the Church," and one author writes that "Augustine, more than any other individual, helped define the Christian faith within the Church as it is outlined in the New Testament." The same author, in a summary of St. Augustine, wrote that he "is the foremost Christian theologian after Paul. More than anyone else, he has promoted a better understanding of the doctrines of the Christian faith. His writings provide the central pillars of Western civillization. Augustine's tumultuous life is a remarkable example of how God is found by those who honestly seek Him."***

*Source: Heroes Who Changed the World, by Ben Alex and others


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