Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Healing Rain

Well, I am terribly disappointed, because I sat down and wrote out a long, wonderful post to put up--and then my computer messed me up, and I lost everything I wrote! Sigh, sigh. Ah well. This post might be slightly more abbreviated.

This weekend, fall break, was awfully nice. I drove up to Ft. Worth with Cassie on Friday morning, and I got to spend most of the afternoon with Lance. We had a good time together, a good time to talk and visit. It was great to see him, since we hadn't truly spent any time together in over two months. For those of you who don't know, Lance and I had taken something of a "break" in our relationship during these last couple of months. While it was a difficult time for me personally, I believe the Lord used it for a lot of good in both our lives. We talked this weekend about things we realized and learned over the last two months, and we decided to pick back up our relationship to see where the Lord might take it. So it ended up being a really good time together, and I was very thankful for it.

Saturday, I was supposed to go up to Dallas to visit family, but my ride fell through--rather, I never got a hold of him! But it gave me more time to spend with Cassie at her house, and Lance also got to hang out with us on Saturday. Sunday, I got to visit my old church (well, it was my church for about three months) with Lance, and that was nice. Cassie and I left to drive back at 4:00; so all in all, it was a great weekend. And because I had homework done, even assignments that weren't due until today, I got to come back and be stress-free.

So now I'm back at school...but only four more weeks till Thanksgiving Break! And then just two more till the semester is over! Wow...how cool is that?

I entitled this entry "Healing Rain" for a few reasons:
1) It has truly RAINED almost all day today
2) Today, I got to pick up Michael W. Smith's new album, Healing Rain, which is quite good; and
3) The Lord has been sending a lot of "healing rain" into my life lately. He has tested and stretched my faith, and he has honored even my small amounts of faith with amazing displays of his faithfulness. I have been so blessed by him. Still, there are things I fear and worry about. All I can do, as Lance is always telling me, is to give it to God. And as my mom once said, trusting God should be our first and most precious resort. It may be scary to look into an undefined future, with all it's "what-ifs." But we know the One who holds that future; and I believe that is enough. I just pray I may be found faithful and obedient each day. And I believe the Lord will guide and lead us into his perfect will, each step of the way.

All I have in this world is fire from above
All I have in this world is You
All the journeys I have walked
I know You've walked them, too
All I want is to be faithful
All I want is You

All I have is a Love that set my world on fire
Let it fall, let it burn in me
Oh, to be a friend of God
Is all that I desire
All I want is to be faithful
All I want is You

--Michael W. Smith
"All I Want"
Healing Rain


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