As school gets in gear...
Things have gone very well for the first couple of days back at school! So far I enjoy all my classes, and my schedule isn't too bad. My worst day will be Tuesday, which involves class from 8:00-3:00. The class from 1:00-3:00 (ok, 1:00-2:50) is a lab for my Biology class, and we don't have to go to lab during the first week, so my Tuesday yesterday wasn't that bad. My schedule runs through lunch on most days, but I still find time for a late lunch or to at least make sure I've had a very good breakfast.
My favorite part of this semester, of course, has been seeing my friends again. It's so wonderful to be back with the amazing girl friends God has given me! I have class with almost all of them except Christina (sniff). Kirstin is in choir now with me and Melissa (and Lance!), so I'm super excited about that. I was surprised to find out I have a class with Rachel as well; we're in a Critical Thinking course, and it's actually quite interesting. We are proceeding to drive our friends crazy by attempting to "critically analyze" everything we do now.
Having Lance here has been really neat. It took me a day or two to get used to it, but it's really neat to be able to see him in choir, around campus, or in-between/after classes. We went to play tennis last night for a couple of hours, and that was a lot of fun! (Neither of us are that great; I've only played a handful of times, and Lance had never played at all. Even so, we managed to have a wonderful time learning how to go from bad to "ok.") I went to buy a tennis racquet tonight at Wal-Mart because I'm actually taking a tennis class. I have it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and so far I've never had to show up for more than 5 minutes. We may actually get to play some on Friday...keep your fingers crossed!
Another exciting factor: you remember those adorable kids I got to babysit for? Well, I usually babysat for them on Wednesday afternoons, but I have class on Wednesday afternoons this semester, so I thought that I was going to have to give that up. I got a call on Monday night, though, from the dad, and he asked me about babysitting again. Turns out, they can work their schedule out so that I would babysit on Thursday afternoons instead--which works out great with my schedule! I was so excited; I felt like that was such a gift from the Lord. The extra babysitting money helps, but it's also such a neat experience...the kids are such sweethearts! So I was very thankful that God allowed it to all work out.
Well, I'm about to head off to do some reading for my classes tomorrow. My love to every one of you! I pray that God would remind you in a special way this week how very much he loves you. Someone once said that if we ever truly caught a glimpse of how God sees us and the plans he has for us, then we would rise up and never be the same again. My prayer for myself, and for each of you, is that we might catch even a small idea of that image and plan God has for us. May we rise up and never be the same again.
My favorite part of this semester, of course, has been seeing my friends again. It's so wonderful to be back with the amazing girl friends God has given me! I have class with almost all of them except Christina (sniff). Kirstin is in choir now with me and Melissa (and Lance!), so I'm super excited about that. I was surprised to find out I have a class with Rachel as well; we're in a Critical Thinking course, and it's actually quite interesting. We are proceeding to drive our friends crazy by attempting to "critically analyze" everything we do now.
Having Lance here has been really neat. It took me a day or two to get used to it, but it's really neat to be able to see him in choir, around campus, or in-between/after classes. We went to play tennis last night for a couple of hours, and that was a lot of fun! (Neither of us are that great; I've only played a handful of times, and Lance had never played at all. Even so, we managed to have a wonderful time learning how to go from bad to "ok.") I went to buy a tennis racquet tonight at Wal-Mart because I'm actually taking a tennis class. I have it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and so far I've never had to show up for more than 5 minutes. We may actually get to play some on Friday...keep your fingers crossed!
Another exciting factor: you remember those adorable kids I got to babysit for? Well, I usually babysat for them on Wednesday afternoons, but I have class on Wednesday afternoons this semester, so I thought that I was going to have to give that up. I got a call on Monday night, though, from the dad, and he asked me about babysitting again. Turns out, they can work their schedule out so that I would babysit on Thursday afternoons instead--which works out great with my schedule! I was so excited; I felt like that was such a gift from the Lord. The extra babysitting money helps, but it's also such a neat experience...the kids are such sweethearts! So I was very thankful that God allowed it to all work out.
Well, I'm about to head off to do some reading for my classes tomorrow. My love to every one of you! I pray that God would remind you in a special way this week how very much he loves you. Someone once said that if we ever truly caught a glimpse of how God sees us and the plans he has for us, then we would rise up and never be the same again. My prayer for myself, and for each of you, is that we might catch even a small idea of that image and plan God has for us. May we rise up and never be the same again.
At 7:14 AM,
Loh Wei Ning Cassandra said…
Hi, thanks for the encouragment you left in my blog. Right now, i am still searching for God. Still hanging around not really sure what He wants for me in my life. Anyway, the post you wrote was very beautiful and meaningful so i decided to post it on my blog. I believe life will be changed the moment we caught a glimpse of God. Just like Isaiah, he caught a glimpse of God taking up His throne. And his whole life was never the same again. Hope we can experience that in our lives too. I believe God will honour you too as you desire Him in your life. Work hard towards the dreams that God has given you. May God bless us all. Take care for now.
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