Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

And so the day goes...

Today's been a slower day, but actually a pretty good one. I woke up on and off this morning till I got up at around 9:00. I did various things around the house and on my computer before deciding to exercise. Lins was planning to go out with friends, so around when she left, I popped Tae-Bo into the DVD player and had a great workout for 45 minutes. And, for those of you who know how I get when I exercise, my face was RED once I finished. :-) But it felt really great and put me in a good mood. After a lovely shower, I made a tuna sandwhich (and I love tuna!) and watched a good chick flick. Lindsay actually came back home early instead of going out to eat supper with her friends because she wasn't feeling well. Thankfully, a nap helped her start to feel better, so I think she's doing ok. Since then, I've been writing some e-mails to two of my oldest best friends, Terri-Lynn and Beth, and to another of my best friends Christina (I love you girls!).

Hmm. This is a rather boring post. But what can you do when that's the way the day goes...


  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Just wanna drop by and say "you're blessed!"

    Hope you have a wonderful day ahead...

    Friend and brother,


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