A little update on life
Well, life's been a little slow. In fact, yesterday, I never even left the house. My sister went out with friends around noon, and one of my friends was supposed to come over but then ended up making other plans instead. So...I read a book, mused over many things, wrote in my journal, listened to praise music, and watched the beginning of a movie. It was really neat because a storm came in that afternoon, and it was so beautiful. I know it's odd to think of a storm as beautiful, but they really can be. I love the way the ocean looks when a storm comes in--all gray and choppy, with the white foaming waves that crash onto shore. I opened the windows and sat in our rocking chair, watching the rain, sea, and fog, listening to the wind. It was beautiful. Funny, how the storms in our own lives don't usually seem so beautiful. Funny how I usually forget that the God who can calm the storms on the sea can calm the storm in my heart.
When Lins got home last night, we watched a movie and made cookie dough, good girl-stuff. :-) This morning I got to talk with Lance on the phone, which made me really happy because it had been close to a week since we'd talked. Not very long in the scheme of life, I know, but it had seemed long to me. Lindsay and I went to the mall around 1:00 to eat and see Madagascar, which Lindsay hadn't seen (even though it was my 3rd viewing). Then we came back to the house, finished the movie we had started last night, and played cards. Lins invited one of her friends to meet us at a little Indian food stall place near here, so we met her friend there and ate. Now Lins and her friend are doing something, and I'm sitting in my room doing stuff on the computer. Man, I am so tired...I've just been out of it lately, and I've had a headache most of the day. I'm hoping I don't become sick.
Anyways, that's life in general right now. Mom and Dad get home from Indonesia tomorrow night, which will be nice. I hope all of you have a God-blessed day!
When Lins got home last night, we watched a movie and made cookie dough, good girl-stuff. :-) This morning I got to talk with Lance on the phone, which made me really happy because it had been close to a week since we'd talked. Not very long in the scheme of life, I know, but it had seemed long to me. Lindsay and I went to the mall around 1:00 to eat and see Madagascar, which Lindsay hadn't seen (even though it was my 3rd viewing). Then we came back to the house, finished the movie we had started last night, and played cards. Lins invited one of her friends to meet us at a little Indian food stall place near here, so we met her friend there and ate. Now Lins and her friend are doing something, and I'm sitting in my room doing stuff on the computer. Man, I am so tired...I've just been out of it lately, and I've had a headache most of the day. I'm hoping I don't become sick.
Anyways, that's life in general right now. Mom and Dad get home from Indonesia tomorrow night, which will be nice. I hope all of you have a God-blessed day!
At 8:48 PM,
Unknown said…
Hi katy,
Thanks for posting that poem there. Hope more and more people will be blest because of that.
By the way, I changed the link to
I dunno why, but the other one doesn't seem to work...
In Him,
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