Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dorm pix (below) and the rest of my day

Hey guys! Today's Wednesday...woo-hoo! I love Wednesdays. Because it means the next day is Thursday. Which means the day after that is Friday. Which means it's the weekend! (Yeah...that's kinda always the way I went through my school weeks. Not that I don't love school, but it just gives me something to look forward to.)

I started out with my 9 a.m. PE class, which is pretty nice because mostly we're given free reign of the gym to work out: 20 min weights, 20 min treadmill/biking/etc. I showered and, in effect, wasted time until I could go eat at 11:15 a.m. Choir was at 12:00, and I love choir. It's got to be my favorite class. The songs we sing are beautiful, and most are also amazing worship songs. Our director is so great; he has such a passion for music. Above all, though, his passion is that our music would glorify God, and I think that is awesome. He is such a neat man and a wonderful choir director. Our pieces range from all different time periods and composers, but they're all beautiful. I will have to say that we're doing a piece by Bach that is downright hard. My sight reading is decent enough that I can follow along well, although my ear for the music and harmonies is probably my biggest asset. But this piece...well, it's difficult anyways, cuz each part has a different line it's singing, so we're all running against each other...and the second soprano line has got to be hardest one in the whole piece (our director said so himself). But anyways, I went to a practice room last night to pick out the part and go over it (over and over again!), and so I felt much more confident. I still messed up and got lost (we all did!), but there's something about working to master a challenging piece of music. It's exciting.

Anyways, didn't mean to get stuck on choir. Let's see, then I had my computer test, which was not too hard at all, so that was nice. I did some homework, cleaned my room, and at 3:00 I did my stress test for PE. It's a very interesting process. I got on a treadmill with a heart monitor belt around me, and then they plugged my nose with a clip and gave me a mouth piece to put on with a little tube I could breathe through. Each third minute, the treadmill got faster and went up an incline. I went for about ten minutes on it, and then it got about as fast as I could go. They said I did well, though. So yes, that was an experience.

After a shower and recovery time from my stress test, I did homework, then supper, than GAs. The girls I get to work with are great and really sweet, so that was fun. We made a video to send to some soldiers in Iraq, which I thought was neat. So now I'm in my room, writing e-mails, writing on my blog, and totally avoiding homework. Well, ok, I will get to it eventually. I don't have too much...well, besides my quiz tomorrow...and the two papers due next week...and the outline for a paper due on Monday...hmmm....perhaps I shall have to get on that after all.

May the Lord bless you in a rich, unexpected way this week that shows you just how much he loves you!

For the Lord God is our light and protector. he gives us grace and glory. No good things will the Lord withold from those who do what is right. O Lord Almighty, happy are those who trust in you.
--Psalm 84:11-12


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