When it rains
Hey, wonderful people! I just realized that I haven't posted much since Monday, and now it's Thursday...honestly, I have no clue where my week went! Tomorrow begins the weekend and I just know that I just got done having a weekend. 'Course my aunt, uncle, and cousins are coming to visit me tomorrow, so I am way excited about that.
Well, I can't say that my week started off on the absolute best note. Monday afternoon and evening especially were a little rough. I have a friend who's going through a rough time, and I'm not able to be there for him; and I miss him a lot, so that had me down a little. Then I had a long talk with another friend that evening about an argument we'd had; we were both tired, so I think our conversation really only led to more hurt feelings. So I didn't go to sleep until 1:00 or so, and I had a test the next morning that I had been going to get up early to study for. Well, I ended up sleeping through chapel and skipped choir (I hated to!) to study. So then I went to my English class and my New Testament class, where I took my test. It was one of those bleak days, you know? I wrote a friend about it that day and said, "It was just one of those days where when it rains, it pours." But I talked with my friend who I'd had the argument with later that evening, and she apologized, and I apologized, and things just began to look a lot brighter.
Wednesday I got done with class early (1:15 PM), so I got to go back to my room and clean up (which I'd been needing to do for a while). At 3:00, I had a babysitting job for my computer teacher's kids--oh, they are so adorable!! I just had so much fun with both of them. The little girl, age 3, is too sweet, and her brother, 6, is just hilarious. At one point the little girl was sitting on a pretend horse, with a rope in her hand, and she just sang to herself, "I'm a cowgirl...I can lasso...I'm gonna get a bull..." It was so cute, and she just went on and on singing to herself--and I just wished I could go back to those days of simplicity! Well, I suppose I don't truly, but it was so cute to see.
I got back to campus a little after 5:30, and I grabbed a bit to eat in the Cafe before heading back to my room. My ride to church ended up falling through, so I didn't make it to help out with the GAs. Although honestly, I was pretty tired, so I didn't mind too terribly much; I did feel bad, though, to skip it without being able to notify anyone, but I didn't have anyone's phone number. So I just finished up revisions on a paper for English, and that was really all the homework I'd had. (It was a wonderful feeling! The beginning of the week had really been crunch time; I had three papers due in a row, and of course the test of Tuesday) So I decided to call my friend, Reed (mentioned in the "Past, Present, and Future" post). His mom had encouraged me to call him every so often, and he had said to call again sometime, too, so I did. Well, we ended up talking for an hour and forty minutes! It was crazy. Fortunately, I didn't have anything else to do, so I enjoyed it. We talked a lot about music, since Reed is very into that. He's getting a guitar soon, and he has been in a couple of bands. Anyways, though I've known this boy forever (9 or 10 years is pretty close to forever), I've never really heard him sing. Well, he played a CD he and his band had made...and wow. He can SING. I was so impressed; I just had no idea! I knew he'd been a drummer, and I knew he liked music...I just didn't know he was this passionate about it or had such an amazing voice. So that was cool, and I may get to see him in the next month or so. He said I could come visit him, we could play some music together, write some songs, even record some stuff. I've never done anything like that, so I think it'd be a lot of fun! So yeah, that was neat talking with him. Then another friend came by to talk, and she stayed for about two hours...then I was in a music mood, so I played my guitar for another hour...and yes, then I finally went to bed around midnight. (I know, I should work on getting to sleep earlier)
So anyways, those have been my days; and now I'm about to run go eat in the Cafe with friends and go to choir. And I just wanted to say that now that I've thought about things, there are some days where when it rains, it pours. But there are a lot of days where when it rains, it's a rain of blessings and goodness from God. And probably every day, God rains on us with blessings we miss a lot of the time. So from now on, I'm going to be looking for God to rain on me...cuz I know that when HIS blessings rain down, it is gonna pour!
Well, I can't say that my week started off on the absolute best note. Monday afternoon and evening especially were a little rough. I have a friend who's going through a rough time, and I'm not able to be there for him; and I miss him a lot, so that had me down a little. Then I had a long talk with another friend that evening about an argument we'd had; we were both tired, so I think our conversation really only led to more hurt feelings. So I didn't go to sleep until 1:00 or so, and I had a test the next morning that I had been going to get up early to study for. Well, I ended up sleeping through chapel and skipped choir (I hated to!) to study. So then I went to my English class and my New Testament class, where I took my test. It was one of those bleak days, you know? I wrote a friend about it that day and said, "It was just one of those days where when it rains, it pours." But I talked with my friend who I'd had the argument with later that evening, and she apologized, and I apologized, and things just began to look a lot brighter.
Wednesday I got done with class early (1:15 PM), so I got to go back to my room and clean up (which I'd been needing to do for a while). At 3:00, I had a babysitting job for my computer teacher's kids--oh, they are so adorable!! I just had so much fun with both of them. The little girl, age 3, is too sweet, and her brother, 6, is just hilarious. At one point the little girl was sitting on a pretend horse, with a rope in her hand, and she just sang to herself, "I'm a cowgirl...I can lasso...I'm gonna get a bull..." It was so cute, and she just went on and on singing to herself--and I just wished I could go back to those days of simplicity! Well, I suppose I don't truly, but it was so cute to see.
I got back to campus a little after 5:30, and I grabbed a bit to eat in the Cafe before heading back to my room. My ride to church ended up falling through, so I didn't make it to help out with the GAs. Although honestly, I was pretty tired, so I didn't mind too terribly much; I did feel bad, though, to skip it without being able to notify anyone, but I didn't have anyone's phone number. So I just finished up revisions on a paper for English, and that was really all the homework I'd had. (It was a wonderful feeling! The beginning of the week had really been crunch time; I had three papers due in a row, and of course the test of Tuesday) So I decided to call my friend, Reed (mentioned in the "Past, Present, and Future" post). His mom had encouraged me to call him every so often, and he had said to call again sometime, too, so I did. Well, we ended up talking for an hour and forty minutes! It was crazy. Fortunately, I didn't have anything else to do, so I enjoyed it. We talked a lot about music, since Reed is very into that. He's getting a guitar soon, and he has been in a couple of bands. Anyways, though I've known this boy forever (9 or 10 years is pretty close to forever), I've never really heard him sing. Well, he played a CD he and his band had made...and wow. He can SING. I was so impressed; I just had no idea! I knew he'd been a drummer, and I knew he liked music...I just didn't know he was this passionate about it or had such an amazing voice. So that was cool, and I may get to see him in the next month or so. He said I could come visit him, we could play some music together, write some songs, even record some stuff. I've never done anything like that, so I think it'd be a lot of fun! So yeah, that was neat talking with him. Then another friend came by to talk, and she stayed for about two hours...then I was in a music mood, so I played my guitar for another hour...and yes, then I finally went to bed around midnight. (I know, I should work on getting to sleep earlier)
So anyways, those have been my days; and now I'm about to run go eat in the Cafe with friends and go to choir. And I just wanted to say that now that I've thought about things, there are some days where when it rains, it pours. But there are a lot of days where when it rains, it's a rain of blessings and goodness from God. And probably every day, God rains on us with blessings we miss a lot of the time. So from now on, I'm going to be looking for God to rain on me...cuz I know that when HIS blessings rain down, it is gonna pour!
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