Yes. Well. I did a very college student thing last night; I stayed up till 1:30 AM talking with friends. It was just one of those nights. My friend Christina was kinda having a bad day, so I dragged her into my room and told her she had to talk to me. So yes, that was about 7:00 PM...and then we finally got talking, and she did a really good job of opening up about some stuff. Some stuff that probably shouldn't be kept inside. I firmly believe there are some things that can only heal once they've been let out or shared with others. Then at 11:00 PM, Kirstin called was like, "So what are you doing?" So I told her a "party" was going on (yes, our school got a highly unfair (and flat out RIDICULOUS!) rating as a "party school" in Texas Monthly, but that's another story), so she came down to talk, too. So we all talked about stuff and then we all decided to pray for each other before going to bed. It was a super neat prayer time, and part of it was that all three of us kept giggling and laughing as we prayed! That may sound "irreverant," but I promise it wasn't. I believe God created laughter and joy, and I bet he was watching and smiling as his three daughters lifted each other up before him, even amongst giggles! Like Christina said on her blog, "Yay for awesome friends!" I echo that loud and clear. There have been a couple of rough things this semester, but God has been beyond good in the friendships he's blessed me with. All of my best friends are sweet, beautiful girls of God, with great hearts. It's been neat to start a weekly prayer group (altho last night's prayer time was an impromptu one) which we're having tonight, of about 5 or 6 of us. How I rejoice in the friends God's given me! There's nothing quite like true, good, and Godly friends.
At 10:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey........... i don't know you.. just cruising through random blogs. but i want to tell you that your faith in God is really amazing... keep growing in Him always!=)
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