Monday, Monday...continued: rain, Taco Bell, & a super-nice guy
Well, I just had to come back and post a note about today. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it rained. AGAIN. And even I would call it a real rain!! It was so exciting. Except one catch: I had skipped lunch (sorry, Mom) but was planning on walking over to Taco Bell to eat and study for the Speech test I had this evening. Which would mean I'd have to walk across campus to my dorm to get my books, back across campus, and then across the street to Taco Bell. And did I mention it was raining? But I was like, "Well, it's ok, I walked around in the rain in Asia all the time." Ah, but yes, there's a catch! See, in North America, you walk in the rain, you generally get cold later. We don't have the nice, warm humidity here. So anyways, all of this was running through my head in computer class, and the guy next to me was commenting on the rain. I forget if I said something about going to Taco Bell, or how it came up, but all of a sudden he asked, "Would you want a ride somewhere?" (I would just like to add that this is the guy who offered me his coat last computer class when I was cold) So I was like, "Wow, sure, but is that ok? I need to run by my dorm first, too." And he said, "No, it's no problem; I don't have anything else to do; I'd like to." So who can argue with that?
Ok, so leaving the computer building (this guy opens all the doors for me, too), he makes me stay on the steps while he runs to get his car so he can pull it up closer so I won't get wet getting in. And he pulls up making sure the passenger side is closest to me. So I get in, and he drivers me over to my dorm. (Did I mention he has a really nice, cute car? It's a Miata, for those of you who actually know what that is...I didn't/don't, but I know the car's cool!) Again, he turns around to drop me off closest to the side walk. So I run into my dorm, after thanking him profusely for waiting, and grab a jacket and my wallet and books to stuff in my bag before running back out. So I'm coming back towards the car, and he gets out of the car in the rain to walk around the car and open the door for me. I'm going, "K, WOW." So I'm thanking him profusely (again), and he just waves it aside. I told him on the way over to Taco Bell that his parents must have definitely raised him right!
So he gets to Taco Bell, of course pulling up as close as possible so I won't get wet, and says he hopes I get my studying done. So I'm thanking him (profusely, again), and he just turns it around, acting like I've done him a favor, and thanks me for my company. So I get inside, eat, and study, and by the time I'm done, it's dry enough that I can walk back to my dorm. (And it was a lovely walk, by the way) But seriously, I was just so amazed at this guy! (His name's Jacob, as another by the way) I can hardly remember the last time someone was so nice and courteous. I told one of my girl friends, and she about choked and said, "I didn't think guys like that existed anymore!"
Neither did I. But apparently they do.
Ok, so leaving the computer building (this guy opens all the doors for me, too), he makes me stay on the steps while he runs to get his car so he can pull it up closer so I won't get wet getting in. And he pulls up making sure the passenger side is closest to me. So I get in, and he drivers me over to my dorm. (Did I mention he has a really nice, cute car? It's a Miata, for those of you who actually know what that is...I didn't/don't, but I know the car's cool!) Again, he turns around to drop me off closest to the side walk. So I run into my dorm, after thanking him profusely for waiting, and grab a jacket and my wallet and books to stuff in my bag before running back out. So I'm coming back towards the car, and he gets out of the car in the rain to walk around the car and open the door for me. I'm going, "K, WOW." So I'm thanking him profusely (again), and he just waves it aside. I told him on the way over to Taco Bell that his parents must have definitely raised him right!
So he gets to Taco Bell, of course pulling up as close as possible so I won't get wet, and says he hopes I get my studying done. So I'm thanking him (profusely, again), and he just turns it around, acting like I've done him a favor, and thanks me for my company. So I get inside, eat, and study, and by the time I'm done, it's dry enough that I can walk back to my dorm. (And it was a lovely walk, by the way) But seriously, I was just so amazed at this guy! (His name's Jacob, as another by the way) I can hardly remember the last time someone was so nice and courteous. I told one of my girl friends, and she about choked and said, "I didn't think guys like that existed anymore!"
Neither did I. But apparently they do.
At 12:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi KATES.....=P just for you to know...ahem..there are more guys like him as well...hehe...see you in church sunday!
p/s its awesome how you used my nick on your blog page!! or did someone else call you that before? hehe
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