Hey everyone! Today is finally over, or at least all my school work is done. Tuesdays are my long days, with class from 8:00 to almost 3:00. But I do have a respite: my Critical Thinking test that I thought I had tomorrow isn't even taking place until two weeks from now! So basically all I have is my psychology test on Thursday. (Well, I have a tennis test on Friday, but I don't know if I count that as a real test) My psychology test will require a lot of studying for, as it covers notes and 6 chapters from the textbook (and each chapter is like 20-30 pages long). I've studied three chapters tonight, though, and my notes, so it's not too bad. Honestly, I have to admit, the chapter on adolescence was almost depressing, as far as everything adolescents deal with or take place in, such as drugs, smoking, sexual was just sad! I mean, I know that kind of stuff takes place, but I guess I've never been in very direct contact with it. Seriously, it says 4 out of 5 individuals have had sex by the time they're 19. Wow...I just can't even imagine. I think so many teens spend all their energy looking for that "missing thing" in their lives; they don't realize there's One who can meet all their needs beyond their wildest dreams.
Let's see, what else happened today? Well, I got that biology test back, and I did well on that, which is a definite praise. Chapel was neat, with students sharing about mission trips they went on over Spring break. Oh, and I got two e-mails today from my sister! It made me so happy to hear from her and hear how she's doing. I miss her...she's so awesome! And my mom even gave me a quick call earlier before supper. I chatted briefly with one of my best guy friends from high school, Andy, also this afternoon. He might be in Malaysia this summer, too, so we might get to see each other again.
I've been thinking a lot lately about priorities. What is it that I put as most important in my life? And is there a discrepancy between what I say is most important and what I actually spend my time on? I would have to honestly say yes. There is nothing more important to me in this world than my Lord and Savior...yet, do I put more time into studying my textbooks than I do studying his word? Do I spend more time investing in relationships with my friends than relationship with my Creator? Not that the other things aren't important to invest time in, but how do they compare to the time I give to my God? Just some thoughts.
Let's see, what else happened today? Well, I got that biology test back, and I did well on that, which is a definite praise. Chapel was neat, with students sharing about mission trips they went on over Spring break. Oh, and I got two e-mails today from my sister! It made me so happy to hear from her and hear how she's doing. I miss her...she's so awesome! And my mom even gave me a quick call earlier before supper. I chatted briefly with one of my best guy friends from high school, Andy, also this afternoon. He might be in Malaysia this summer, too, so we might get to see each other again.
I've been thinking a lot lately about priorities. What is it that I put as most important in my life? And is there a discrepancy between what I say is most important and what I actually spend my time on? I would have to honestly say yes. There is nothing more important to me in this world than my Lord and Savior...yet, do I put more time into studying my textbooks than I do studying his word? Do I spend more time investing in relationships with my friends than relationship with my Creator? Not that the other things aren't important to invest time in, but how do they compare to the time I give to my God? Just some thoughts.
For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will never do anything that causes me shame...and that my life will always honor Christ...
-Philippians 1:20
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