Busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy: this, too, shall pass
Guess what? Things have been busy lately! What, you already knew that? From the title of my post? Hmm. Good inductive skills.
Yes...well...things have been busy. The weekend my dad was here was wonderful; it was so good to be with him and spend time together! After having not seen him for about nine months, four days wasn't nearly enough time; but I will get to see him again in about 6 weeks, so that's not too bad. He spoke at FBC on Sunday morning and did an excellent job. My dad is such a gifted speaker, just like my granddad. They both seem to have this anointing for it. It's amazing. Anyways, not only is my dad a talented preacher, he's also a very good tennis player, I found out. Lance, Dad, and I went to go play tennis Sunday afternoon before the University Group supper, and my dad is good! (Hehe, especially compared to Lance and me, although we held our own and improved quite a bit even in the short amount of time that we played) That was so much fun. Christina came towards the end to play with us, too.
Monday my dad got to come to choir again before heading out. I was really sad to see him go, but I concentrated on the fact that I would see him again soon. And our time together was great, even if I wish it could have been longer. As it was, I then spent most of Monday (after classes) doing homework. I had a major Biology test to study for (and you all know how I love those Biology tests) as well as a paper to research and write for my science lab class. I had put off both while my dad was here, and I'd just finished another big presentation/paper right before he got here, so I didn't have time to work ahead much. I worked from 6:30-12:30 that evening, which really isn't too late for a college student. Still, I was exhausted when I fell into my bed. I woke up the next morning, took my test at 8:00, went to my other classes, handed in my paper in lab, and began working on the experiment my lab group is doing. We're trying to make a compost pile, but I'm not sure how that will turn out because we only have a couple of weeks to make it all work. But that's ok. Then, once I got done with that, I worked from 4:00-5:30, ate supper, and then worked from 7:00-12:30 on my big English research paper (something else I had not started on before). Most of my time was spent on the actual research, and then I managed to start writing my paper (5-7 pages) around 10:30 or so. Or maybe it was 11:00. Anyways, I was so tired at the end that I felt like my paper was disjointed and didn't make sense, so I sent it to my mom to see if she could look over it and give me her opinion. She helped make some corrections but said overall it looked good; and actually, once I read it the next morning in the light of day, it didn't seem as bad as it had that previous night. So I went to choir, turned my paper in, and felt so relieved! All my major assignments were over for a while, and it felt so good to finally have a break after all that busy-ness. In fact, I did absolutely no homework yesterday because nothing was immediately due and I felt like I deserved a break. Of course, since I had been in major homework mode for the previous two days, I kept feeling guilty like there was something else I should be doing.
Today's gone well. We got a walk in biology today, so I didn't have to go to class 8:00. I just went to chapel, Psych, choir, and then I was done for the day. I don't even have to babysit today, although I am babysitting for them this Saturday night. So I've done some homework (reading for psychology and my science lab project), and now I decided to update on here.
I'm also excited about this weekend because we (Lance, my friend Matt, and I) are going to visit our "friends on the farm" as I call them. We're just going for one night, but I'm excited about the opportunity. By the way, another thing I'm excited about: Lance officially got the job as music intern at First Baptist! We are both so excited about this opportunity; I know Lance will do a wonderful job.
Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Hope all of you are doing well! And just remember, whenever you're in your stages where life is busy busy busy and ever-so-hectic...just remember, "this too shall pass."
Yes...well...things have been busy. The weekend my dad was here was wonderful; it was so good to be with him and spend time together! After having not seen him for about nine months, four days wasn't nearly enough time; but I will get to see him again in about 6 weeks, so that's not too bad. He spoke at FBC on Sunday morning and did an excellent job. My dad is such a gifted speaker, just like my granddad. They both seem to have this anointing for it. It's amazing. Anyways, not only is my dad a talented preacher, he's also a very good tennis player, I found out. Lance, Dad, and I went to go play tennis Sunday afternoon before the University Group supper, and my dad is good! (Hehe, especially compared to Lance and me, although we held our own and improved quite a bit even in the short amount of time that we played) That was so much fun. Christina came towards the end to play with us, too.
Monday my dad got to come to choir again before heading out. I was really sad to see him go, but I concentrated on the fact that I would see him again soon. And our time together was great, even if I wish it could have been longer. As it was, I then spent most of Monday (after classes) doing homework. I had a major Biology test to study for (and you all know how I love those Biology tests) as well as a paper to research and write for my science lab class. I had put off both while my dad was here, and I'd just finished another big presentation/paper right before he got here, so I didn't have time to work ahead much. I worked from 6:30-12:30 that evening, which really isn't too late for a college student. Still, I was exhausted when I fell into my bed. I woke up the next morning, took my test at 8:00, went to my other classes, handed in my paper in lab, and began working on the experiment my lab group is doing. We're trying to make a compost pile, but I'm not sure how that will turn out because we only have a couple of weeks to make it all work. But that's ok. Then, once I got done with that, I worked from 4:00-5:30, ate supper, and then worked from 7:00-12:30 on my big English research paper (something else I had not started on before). Most of my time was spent on the actual research, and then I managed to start writing my paper (5-7 pages) around 10:30 or so. Or maybe it was 11:00. Anyways, I was so tired at the end that I felt like my paper was disjointed and didn't make sense, so I sent it to my mom to see if she could look over it and give me her opinion. She helped make some corrections but said overall it looked good; and actually, once I read it the next morning in the light of day, it didn't seem as bad as it had that previous night. So I went to choir, turned my paper in, and felt so relieved! All my major assignments were over for a while, and it felt so good to finally have a break after all that busy-ness. In fact, I did absolutely no homework yesterday because nothing was immediately due and I felt like I deserved a break. Of course, since I had been in major homework mode for the previous two days, I kept feeling guilty like there was something else I should be doing.
Today's gone well. We got a walk in biology today, so I didn't have to go to class 8:00. I just went to chapel, Psych, choir, and then I was done for the day. I don't even have to babysit today, although I am babysitting for them this Saturday night. So I've done some homework (reading for psychology and my science lab project), and now I decided to update on here.
I'm also excited about this weekend because we (Lance, my friend Matt, and I) are going to visit our "friends on the farm" as I call them. We're just going for one night, but I'm excited about the opportunity. By the way, another thing I'm excited about: Lance officially got the job as music intern at First Baptist! We are both so excited about this opportunity; I know Lance will do a wonderful job.
Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Hope all of you are doing well! And just remember, whenever you're in your stages where life is busy busy busy and ever-so-hectic...just remember, "this too shall pass."
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey hobitt! i miss ya sissy...wow, so exciting to think that its only like six weeks till i see you again!! I am gonna write you an email soon, but i was out today. (we had friday off!!) :-) I love you so much! Lucky that you got to see dad..i miss him too! :-P Luv ya lots sissy!!
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