Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Almost home

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I survived last week. I wasn't sure it was possible (oh me of little faith!), but all things are possible in Christ. I not only managed to survive finals, but I also managed to pack and move my dorm room (minus the one suitcase I'm taking home) into another house. It's a daunting task, especially for a person like me who hates packing/moving. Seriously. It totally stresses me out, despite--or because of?--the fact that I've done it countless times in my life. But it's done! Yay!

I've been at my grandparents' house in Dallas since Friday afternoon. I got to spend Friday afternoon with them before they left to see one of my cousins' college graduation. So I've had the last couple of days to myself, which has been nice. I have completely kicked back and relaxed as a reward for the stress of last week. For example, I went to see a movie yesterday, and then I shopped at one of my favorite Christian bookstores (not just for me, though, but also for birthday presents), and then I had my favorite Subway sandwhich while watching Shirley Temple movies last night. I know, I'm living the good life. Anyways, it was fun. Today I went to my grandparents' church for their service, which was good, and since then, I've had lunch, watched another Shirley Temple movie, done laundry, and tried to figure out why I'm not receiving email. (I know, all of you are now dying to live my amazingly exciting life)

A highlight has been listening to the new Hillsong United CD that I bought yesterday, United We Stand. I absolutely LOVE Hillsong United, and Hillsong in general, so this has been a treat for me. I watched the 45 minute DVD portion of it with some of their songs shown live in concert, and it was actually a really neat time to just sit and worship. God is truly amazing. If you're interested in hearing some pretty amazing, passionate, God-praising songs (both the slow ones that make you stand in awe and the loud, fast ones that make you jump up and down), this is a an excellent CD to check out.

By the way, I go home tomorrow. Yup, that's right: home. As in, to Malaysia to see my family. And yes, I am super excited! It will be so great to be back, especially after this semester. My family has been one of my biggest supports through everything I've dealt with this last semester, and they are constantly there to lean on and to pray for me. God constantly blesses me through them, and I couldn't be more thankful. I love and admire all three of them, Mom, Dad, and Lindsay! And Lindsay will be graduating in the first week of June (as Valedictorian, no less!), and I can hardly believe my baby sister is getting so old. Anyways, I am excited to be almost home!

Oh...and Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all of you have a blessed week and continue to have your lives touched and changed by the God of the Universe. Blessings on you all.


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