Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well, I've discovered that my good intentions of starting to write regularly on my blog are being somewhat thwarted by the fact that I no longer have a computer. Therefore, if I want to post on my blog I have to go steal another friend's computer, and I feel bad about stealing. (You know, the whole "thou shalt not steal" thing) But right now, I am at one of my most favorite places in the whole world--M&M's farm--and I can use the computer to my heart's content. At least for the next ten minutes, whichever comes first. So I just thought I would drop by to say that I truly haven't forgotten about my blog. I will actually be home soon--yes, really home!--so I will be able to post more regularly in a little over a week. I am very excited!

I especially want to thank all of you who have left comments expressing your encouragement that I'm starting my blog up. It's so good to hear! And it does encourage me to keep going with it.

Well, to be briefly newsy, school is almost out. I had one final exam this week and will have two next week; and then on Monday morning of the 15th, I am flying home to go see my family! I am super excited. It will be great to be home. In the mean time, I just have to finish my classes and pack up my room...no big deal.

By the way, we have had several major storm systems moving through the area. Last night, three of my friends here at the farm (Matt, Matt, and Debbie) and I watched this AMAZING lightening storm. It was so incredible. It was beautiful, but it was also awesome and somewhat terrifying...a lot like God, I think. Facing nature like that, in all its beauty and wildness, brings you back a little closer to God's character. He is so often watered down. Yes, he is the God who calms the waters...but he is also God of the storm, in all its fierceness. He is good; he is beautiful; he is terrible.

He is God.

May He bless you this week.


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