Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Wonderful news

The Lord gave such a blessing today: Lance received a kidney. He called me at noon today to let me know, and his surgery ended up being around 9:30 PM. I just got word that it is over and that all went well. He and I had talked about me coming up to see him this evening before his surgery, but when the surgery got moved up to earlier than expected, we decided I'd just come visit him this weekend. But it was a blessing to talk with him briefly on the phone before he went to the hospital. I have a friend who will go up with me tomorrow to see him, and I can stay with her; three other friends sat down with me this evening to pray for Lance specifically as he went into surgery, and that was a beautiful gift. I'm just so full of thanks to God in the amazing ways he is working out and revealing his plans for Lance, and for me. I pray he'll continue to guide us. Please pray for Lance as he heals, too; his journey isn't over yet! Thanks to all of you who have prayed. If you want to leave a word to encourage Lance, please feel free to in the comments section or to e-mail them to me; I will be happy to pass on any messages.

Thanks be to an amzing and faithful God!


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