Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Thy Love

This is the third time I have attempted to write this post; I kept writing it before and it's been lost each time. Perhaps I can get it right this time!

Today's been a good day; I helped take over my grandmother's nativity sets to the church. She has collected nativities from countries literally all over the world; we counted 35 today at the church, and those weren't even all of them. Tomorrow morning we'll go over at 8:00 to set those up, and the brunch starts at 10:00; it should be fun.

I also got to spend some time with my aunt, uncle, and cousins this evening, which was great. They have a new dog, which I'm loving! Also, this morning, I got to watch some old home videos my parents made when we first got to Indonesia--I was about 3 or 4 in them. It was amazing to watch them and realize they'd been made over 15 years ago! I saw my little sister, Lindsay, as the cute, adorable 1-year-old she was; and I saw my parents, young, new missionaries starting out on the road God is still mapping out for them today. It was really neat.

I made my plans for getting to Ft. Worth tomorrow after the brunch; I'll leave about 2:00, arrive at about 4:00, and then go to the missions banquet at 5:30. I'll bring a book to read on my trip over on DART. ;-)

Speaking of my book, I'm reading a biography about Amy Carmichael, one of my favorite missionaries and authors. I want to close with a couple of poems she's written that are very powerful:

Love that never faileth,
Love that all prevaileth--
Savior Christ, O hear me now
And give Thy love to me.

Round me souls are dying,
Deep in darkness lying;
Thou didst love them unto death;
O give Thy love to me.

Grant that I may reach them,
Grant that I may teach them,
Loving them as Thou dost love,
O give Thy love to me.

Love that ever burneth,
Love that ever yearneth--
Savior Christ, O hear me now
And give Thy love to me.
- Amy Carmichael -

It's the cry of my heart that I would learn to love and yearn for other's souls as Christ does. Imagine how much he loves us; now imagine how much we would do if we loved even a tenth as he loves. May God grant us a glimpse of his heart, a piece of his love, that we may touch, love, and reach out to save a dying world as Christ did. O Lord, I pray, "give Thy love to me."

Love of God, eternal love,
Shed thy love through me.
Nothing less than Calvary's love
Would I ask of Thee.
Fill me, flood me, overflow me,
Love of God, eternal love
Shed Thy love through me.
- Amy Carmichael -


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