Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Just living

Hi everyone! It's been a few days since I last posted, but life's been going well for the most part. I've had some good times with friends; Andy and I went out Monday night to eat at one of my favorite Indian restaurants and to go see Kingdom of Heaven. After the movie, we went to get a drink (lime juice) at some of the local food stalls and ended up talking for several hours. It was really nice to catch up, and we had a good time (even though I got home a little late...). Tuesday night, Andy came with my mom, sister, and me to the school's musical. There, we ran into Dan (a different Dan than the previous one I've mentioned), another former classmate. The three of us had all been close friends, so it was really good to see him. He had just gotten in from his long trip from the US with his family, so we were impressed he made it through the musical. Afterwards, Dan...actually, we'll call him Daniel to differentiate between him and the first one...so Daniel is the one who's my classmate. Anyways, Daniel, Robert (Daniel's brother), Than, Andy, and I went to the the stalls to get lime juice. Andy took me home later on his motorcycle (fun!).

Yesterday was a pretty ordinary day. I spent most of my time reading at home. My dad has several books by Dan Brown (author of The DaVinci Code), and I've been reading some of those. I finished one yesterday and started/finished another. So yesterday was pretty slow.

Today my mom and I went to eat breakfast with another lady and her daughters; they were nice. Right now I'm talking with Lance on the phone, which is really nice. I'm not sure what else I'll be doing today...so I guess I'll close off for now. God bless!


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