If I may be frank, I've been facing discouragement lately. Discouragement in and of itself can be discouraging, too. But today, I read the June 27th devotional from my new book God Calling. I thought it was a beautiful reminder that God can always lift us higher than our discouragment, than our depression, than our sins, than anything on this earth that would seek to bring us down. It also was the first time I had ever heard a certain take on what "faith, hope, and love" really mean. I don't know what may be going on in your life, but I know that everyone, now and then, needs to be reminded of the Hope and grace we have in Christ.
The Eternal Arms shelter you. "Underneath are the Everlasting Arms." This promise is to those who rise above the earth-life and seek to soar higher, to the Kingdom of Heaven.
You must not feel the burden of your failure. Go on in faith, the clouds will clear, and the way will lighten--the path becomes less stony with every step you take. So run that you may obtain. A rigid doing of the simple duties, and success will crown your efforts.
I had no words of reproach for any I healed. The man was whole and free who had wrecked his physical being by sin--whose palsy I healed.
The woman at the well was not overwhelmed by My "Thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband."
The woman taken in adultery was told "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." She was not told to bear the burden of the consciousness of her sin...
Remember now abideth these three, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Faith is your attitude towards Me. Charity your attitude towards your fellow man but, as necessary, is Hope, which is confidence in yourself to succeed.
-"No Self-Reproach"
God Calling
Edited by A. J. Russell
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