Opinions wanted
It's time for a little "audience participation!" This is for anyone, but particularly for those who have been reading my blog for a while. No, that's not favoritism...it's just that they've seen the previous, "pink" blog template I had. I'm trying to decide if I like the design that I have up currently, or if I'd like to switch back to the pink template, or if I should try something new. So, here's your opportunity to give me your opinion! Please give me your input in the comments section, and let me know if you like my blog the way it looks, if you liked the previous design, or if you think I should try something new. Thanks for your input!!
At 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey girl! Oh I just LOVE reading your blog! :-)
Hey, I love this new hue in your design. It has a cooling effect, which is so nice because it's HOT here! The pink is nice too, but I like this a little more I think.
Have fun!
At 8:58 AM,
Rachel said…
katy I'm thinking about changing my blog design too. Hm. I like yours, especially the header. I dunno, I never saw the pink one, but if you're sick of it, just change it for fun. I'm sick of mine, and mine's pretty common too.
At 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey katy! sorry i didn't put my opinion up sooner...but see ya don't have to worry, lots of people responded! :) well it looks like so far the blue is a go...iono i like the blue one a lot...but the pink is a little more cheerful to me...cuz its brighter...but both r awesome...lol i'm sure this is a helpful comment! luv ya sissie!!
At 1:29 AM,
Katy said…
Thanks so much to everyone so far who has left a comment! (And of course, more are welcome, so don't let that stop you!) So far it sounds like most people like this one better, so I may stick with it for a while (unless some others have you have a differing opinion and let me know...).
Christina--thanks for checking in on my blog so faithfully! And for all your great comments. Miss you lots; can't wait to see you when I get back!
Elizabeth--thanks for keeping up with me! I appreciate your encouragement and comments. Glad you like my blog; I hope you'll keep visiting!
Rachel--thanks for your comment, girl! It was great to hear from you. I had actually considered the blog template you have right now; I like it. I enjoy keeping up with you that way. I think blogger needs some new and better blog designs, don't you?
Lins--thanks, baby sis! I love you so much!
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