Katy's World: Randomly Life (2004-2007)

A place for family and friends to check up on me--and hopefully a site that glorifies God first and foremost.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I’m in Singapore at the moment, and I randomly happened to pick up a wireless network signal here at the hotel we’re staying at. And voila! Here I am online. I thought I’d drop by to post a brief update. My family and I got here Sunday evening, and on Monday, we got to go by the airport to meet—surprise!—the Texas team I had worked with in the tsunami-affected area. The kind of situation we worked in really creates bonds between people, and these three students have become some of my closest friends now. It was wonderful to get to see them again after having worked with them for the last three weeks. I got to hear how their last few days were there, and we got to talk over some of our experiences together. My family and I took them out to eat, ran by a shop or two, and took them back to the airport for their flight back to the States. I’ll get to see them again in Dallas in a few days, hopefully, which will be really nice.

Since then, my family’s spent a lot of good time together; we’ve seen a couple of movies, done a little shopping, eaten at great restaurants, and just generally spent a lot of good time together. I really appreciated my family’s willingness and sacrifice in letting me go off for three weeks to help with tsunami-relief work, and I am really cherishing these last few days we have here together. My parents are both such wonderful people who give me living examples every day of what it means to love and serve the Lord. And my sister is one of the sweetest girls I know; I am so proud of the young woman she is becoming.

Well, that’s most of my news for now. I’m about to put up another post with a little more news about some of the work I did in the tsunami-affected area, so maybe that will give you a brief summary of those three weeks. Thanks so much for keeping up with me! I appreciate all your prayers and love. God bless!


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